Saturday, November 18, 2023

• New Butterfly Garden Planted

A great story that's worth sharing with the community. It involves volunteers (both local and regional), community spirit, and butterflies!

I've been low on time recently, so I asked Bridgette Moore if she'd send over some photos and do a brief write-up so that the story can be shared with the community.  

The idea came from when you and I met with the Butterfly ladies last year. 

I kept that in the back of my mind. 

Fast forward, Sandra Tordoff (she used to work at Wildomar Chamber) invited me to a Lunch and Learn at Pacific Mobile Structures on 8/23/23. 

I spoke about the Wildomar Beautification Volunteers and the importance of volunteering and giving back.


Here's a look at the mid-point of the project.

On 9/28/23, Sandra contacted me and explained that Pacific Mobile Structures has a program where they pay their employees 8 hours a year to volunteer and their volunteer day was Tuesday, 11/7/23 and she asked if we had a project. 

I remember seeing a planter area in the Elks Lodge parking lot that only had weeds and WBV had cleaned it a few times already. 

So, I asked the Elks Lodge if we could we put a Monarch Butterfly Garden in that area and they agreed. We only have about 30 days to plan this project. 

I met Margaret Meyncke and Caren Hanson at the Elks Lodge and they got me in touch with Landscape Architect Laurie Levine. Laurie has previously done work with Wildomar. 

Laurie donated her time, designed a garden, and gave us a plant list. We contacted Curby’s Nursery and then Dan, Richard and I picked up the plants on 11/4/23. 

WBV had work days prior to the 11/7 planting to prep the area.


On 11/7, about 25 employees from Pacific Mobile Structures planted plants, laid irrigation lines, and placed mulch into the garden.


The garden will take till about summer to grow and then it will attract caterpillars. 

Laurie mentioned that the caterpillars will eat the leaves so don’t be alarmed if the plant looks dead.

It will survive the hot summer months.

The plants are small compared to the smiles of the volunteers, but before we know it, this area will be alive with plants and butterflies. 

Wildomar Rap opinion time

I look forward to seeing how this turns out. Which gets me to thinking... I have some yard areas that could use this type of attention. I don't need volunteers, but a plan to go get some local plants that can withstand our Summers even if I forget to water them for all of July. 

I can think of several other areas in town (small areas at both Marna O'Brien Park and Windsong Park) that these would make for a nice edition.


Pacific Mobile Structures Riverside

Life Tree Service

Lake Elsinore/Wildomar Elks Lodge #2591

Wildomar Beautification Volunteers

Sandra Tordoff

Laurie Levine