Before any of that, there were three "presentations" before the meeting proper got underway.
The first was a Storm Water presentation dealing with the Santa Margarita Water Quality Improvement Plan.
Hint, Wildomar is within the Santa Margarita Watershed. It can be divided into nine distinct hydrological areas. If you want the details, click the link.
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To visit the website by projectcleanwater, dealing with this topic, click this LINK. |
It's an attempt to clean the water beyond what we've managed to do over the last 40 to 50 years. I'm sure it's being done with good intentions. I'm trying to remember where the path paved with good intentions often leads...
Not sure about you, but I've never met a person that is in favor of polluted water. However, I have encountered many that would be happy to see modern life get turned on its head in an unrealistic attempt to return the environment to a pre-human pristine condition.
Not sure about you, but I've never met a person that is in favor of polluted water. However, I have encountered many that would be happy to see modern life get turned on its head in an unrealistic attempt to return the environment to a pre-human pristine condition.
My takeaway from this is that you need to be ready to see your costs of living go up... what's new, right?
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One of the many slides seen during the presentation. |
Recent legislation (SB 231) signed by Governor Brown changes the definition of Storm Water, and the bottom line to that is that YOU WILL BE HOSED over it. (bad pun intended)
The key phrases and quotes from presenter Richard Boone were:
• Cost-sharing (for costs that didn't exist yesteryear)
• Establishes enforceable goals and milestones and compliance penalties if goals and milestones aren't met.
• As the science evolves. (Yea, more unsettle science that we're going to spend money on)
• "Finally, I think it's inevitable that the cost of compliance will likely increase."
Just part of the joys of living in a state long controlled by one party rule that even seeks to oust its own members that aren't "progressive" enough.
link to LA Times story about a liberal trying to unseat Nancy Pelosi for NOT being liberal enough.
link to LA Times story about a liberal trying to unseat Nancy Pelosi for NOT being liberal enough.
I'm sure we all can afford "inevitable increases" to pay for such lofty pursuits... but I have to wonder if there will ever be a limit to such endeavors?
Police Department Update
Captain Daniel Anne spoke for about 4 minutes, giving an update with 3rd quarter crime stats. The video is below.
Fire Department Update
The stats from the Fire Department update were
• 288 Emergency Calls, of which 70% were medical calls.
There was also a recap of the Wildomar Fire. It was made known that the name of the fire wasn't due to the close proximity to the city, but since it started at the Wildomar Off Road Park.
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Gotta love government [over] efficiency. The incident is still "under investigation" though it has been clear from the start that it came about from a motorcycle accident. |
Public Comments
• Michael Ghoslin from Lakeview Chapel discussed wanting to have a pro-life mobile clinic operate from his church's parking lot "from time to time".
• Bob Cashman discussed his concerns over the former Wildomar Chamber of Commerce merging with Murrieta's Chamber of commerce.
• Miss Miller lamented that the presentation about Storm Water wasn't aimed at halting all development in the area. She also proposed that people meet at the corner of Malaga and Mission Trail, Saturday evening (November 11th) at 5:00pm to discuss "several hundred more houses" at Summerly in Lake Elsinore, and the increased traffic it will bring.
• Ken Mayes brought up the issue of live streaming city meetings. Then he went into LaLa Land again by implying that the city council and staffers actively seek to keep public participation to a minimum, "The time of shutting out the local citizens from the decision making process needs to come to an end."
Hey Mayes, we get it. What you're really saying is that you want the electeds, and the paid professionals, to turn it over to you and your fellow incompetent Wildomar Warriors.
Sorry, but until you seek office, and get elected, your copious amounts of reading things on the internet don't make you qualified to run this city.
• Patrick Ellis spoke about the newly merged Murrieta/Wildomar Chamber of commerce.• Bob Cashman discussed his concerns over the former Wildomar Chamber of Commerce merging with Murrieta's Chamber of commerce.
• Miss Miller lamented that the presentation about Storm Water wasn't aimed at halting all development in the area. She also proposed that people meet at the corner of Malaga and Mission Trail, Saturday evening (November 11th) at 5:00pm to discuss "several hundred more houses" at Summerly in Lake Elsinore, and the increased traffic it will bring.
• Ken Mayes brought up the issue of live streaming city meetings. Then he went into LaLa Land again by implying that the city council and staffers actively seek to keep public participation to a minimum, "The time of shutting out the local citizens from the decision making process needs to come to an end."
Hey Mayes, we get it. What you're really saying is that you want the electeds, and the paid professionals, to turn it over to you and your fellow incompetent Wildomar Warriors.
Sorry, but until you seek office, and get elected, your copious amounts of reading things on the internet don't make you qualified to run this city.
• Lindsay [Night-zee-who] (as it was pronounced by city clerk Debbie Lee) discussed her concerns about a (yet to be officially proposed) shopping center on Clinton Keith near Stable Lanes Rd, and the types of shops that she has heard might be coming. (sounds interesting... I'd love to hear what she's heard).
• Laura Girard of Sycamore Academy invited the council to a couple of the school's upcoming events.
Public Comments on Consent Calendar
• Ken Mayes used his time, and an additional 3 mins donated to him, to rail against Items 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8.
1.6, the deal with the Historical Society, which will allow them to store bits of the old Brown House (once it's demolished) really bothered him.
1.7 is where the American Cancer Society has asked to hold their yearly Relay for Life at Marna O'Brien park since the high school is no longer an option with the installation of their new turf on the football field.
He obviously misread the agenda from the parks subcommittee meeting where it said — Fiscal Impact: Costs of approximately $5000, to mean a gift to the organization.
From the recent parks subcommittee agenda. Yellow highlight and red check mark are my additions. |
He lamented that "at least three of the city council members" are classed as "club leaders" in the Rotary Club of Wildomar.
Let me interrupt here. It's not "at least" it's just three. If you have difficulty in counting on one hand, that should be the first indication that other parts of your reasoning skills are equally as suspect.
He suggested that the council members in question (Ben Benoit, Marsha Swanson and Bridgette Moore) recuse themselves from that item. Interesting point, but I'm 100% certain that the City Attorney Thomas Jex has that covered.
Thing is, these wannabe legal scholars that haunt Wildomar won't hear for a minute that they are indeed clueless on the matters. They take obtuseness to seldom seen levels.
He then hinted at possible legal action when he said, "Public officials can face potential legal liability, including taxpayer lawsuits, criminal penalties and the loss of public confidence"
This really was the Ken Mayes show last night. Most of which was the same inane lashing out against the city that he's become renown for. Hey Mayes, it's time that you put your legal prowess to the test. Put up or shut up. Get that lawsuit ready, filed and served or sit back down... you're boring the rest of us.
From the recent parks subcommittee agenda. Yellow highlight and red check mark are my additions. |
• George Cambero spoke on Item 1.6 Brown House Storage Agreement. The big news I got from this is that dismantling of the Brown House will begin in two to three weeks.
2.1 Zone Change
This was gone over in a recent planning commission meeting. It deals with a 1.73 acre parcel that is on Clinton Keith, across from the shopping center that has Barons in it.
Pretty basic, it's looking to get the zoning map to agree with the general plan land use map. It passed unanimously.
2.2 Urgency Ordinance Extension
This dealt with the temporary moratorium pertaining to marijuana cultivation and manufacturing in town.
This is allowing the council until December of next year to come up with ordinances regarding legal marijuana in town.
City Attorney Thomas Jex explained it, then Ken Mayes and Miss Miller weighed in. There was the briefest of council discussions and it was voted on.
This will play big next year, and I wonder if there will be any voter backlash when it comes time to vote for city council members in districts 1, 3 and 5 over it? Time will tell.
3.1 Preliepp Apartments GPIP
This was also gone over in the blog covering the September Planning Commission meeting (click this link if you want more details). Since this item is all but DOA after four of the council members gave their opinions on it, there is no sense in wasting too much time detailing it.
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This graphic shows where there are already 1600 apartments in 1800 foot radius of the site. Either already built, or already approved. |
Marsha Swanson was interested in hearing more about their specifics, she stated that she's "on the fence right now".
Dustin Nigg gave a very direct opinion, "I would recommend not to waste your money." He later came back and explained his views on it, but that didn't change his bottom line.
Bridgette Moore started off by saying she was with Marsha. Adding that she was unsure "if we need any more apartments." Suggested they research what just happened with the Camelia project, which was "zoning conformance" and not a general plan amendment.
Mayor Tim Walker said he was "not for this" for two reasons. First was having all the apartments in one area, and that it doesn't conform to the general plan. He made another good point about the value of business park areas and how few we have in town.
3.2 Establishment of Community Facilities District
This was about being business friendly to small developers, allowing them to defer parts of their Development Impact Fees. For those that apply to be part of this, they'll have to meet certain criteria, and will be paying interest on the balance.
It's a ten year program, that could last as long as twenty years.
How's that? you ask.
Since the "loans" are up to ten years long, if a qualified applicant comes in at the 119th month (there are 120 months in 10 years) of the program, they'd have up to ten years to pay it off. Which would mean the program's ultimate sunset could be as many as twenty years, though it's only for ten.
There is no one size fits all for this as each project would be judged on their own merits. If you'd like to hear the presentation given by Assistant City Manager Dan York, and the comments associated with it, watch the video.
Ken Mayes spoke on this. (about the 7:15 mark of the video)
My notes said, "Ken Mayes makes another idiotic statement." So I went back to the video to see what it was, and I was right... another (in an endless line of) idiotic statements.
"This is nothing more than a way for staff to hide the incompetence of this city, and the greed of developers [ready] to take advantage of this incompetence. In a mad rush to build out this city many mistakes are being made that will speed the process of the destruction of this community."
If you've ever wondered why I hammer this guy for being a nutter... this would qualify as one of a baker's dozen Exhibit A's he's amassed in the last four years that I've been around.
3.3 Community Interest Polling
This one is probably the most important thing that came from the meeting. It's real easy to suggest that the purpose of such a polling company is to find out how much tax can be raised on us.
So many times residents will complain about a lack of one thing or another in town (be it police coverage, poor road conditions, etc), and I'm quick to remind them that we can have anything in town that we want. It only takes money.
Usually I get a wrinkled nose response when I ask if they'd be willing to have their taxes double to pay for such things. Yeah, me neither. Part of the reason why I moved to Wildomar was that the taxes were low.
Yes, compared to some of our neighboring communities it can be the wild west out here... but I signed up for that when I bought my house back in 2001.
Still, there is a large influx of new residents since that time, and it's the will of the majority that rules the day (or it damn well better be). Polling seeks to find what the people want.
I like the way Marsha Swanson put it.
If you jump to about the 13:45 mark of the video, you'll see a bit of heat start to generate on the dais. Primarily between Tim Walker and Ben Benoit.
Tim Walker is dead set against marijuana on all fronts by the way I read it, and it being (wrongly) classified as a Schedule 1 drug (like heroin) is just a convenient cover the way I see it.
Ben Benoit on the other hand, based on what I've seen him argue from the dais when this topic has come up a few times, seems to take more of the libertarian stance on it. Leaving the decision of use to the law abiding adult in question. I can't be certain where he stands on the issues of sales and manufacture in town.
At one point, after discussing federal law and states rights, Benoit said to Walker, "I encourage you to look that up, talk about that, and I would respectfully ask that you not say that we're (the city council) violating our oath when we sit up here and look at this ordinance that has been passed by the state of California and the California voters."
The subcommittee that will be addressing which questions to ask the public will be comprised of Marsha Swanson and Ben Benoit.
Last on the agenda was appointment of two new members for the Measure Z Oversight Committee.
Three people applied, and two people were chosen. Scott Rux and Shelley Hitchcock. Thanks for stepping up and helping the community.
Funny thing though, Ken Mayes was able to raise the bar for "what the hell was that" comments with one on this topic.
He bemoaned the "apathy" in a town of 35,000 people when only three applications were submitted for the Measure Z committee, and only one was submitted for the Planning Commission seat the month earlier.
I have a confession to make. It's all my fault. You see, me and my stupid camera have given a front row seat to all that care to watch, and they've seen the rigmarole they'd have to put up with from guys like you Ken.
Had I not started uploading videos of city meetings, there would be a line from here to Cucamonga of eager volunteers looking to be in the lime light of a Planning Commission seat or a coveted Measure Z position.
Still, that leaves one important question unanswered from you Ken... what are you waiting for? When are you going to shut your trap and apply for one of the positions you think should have more applicants?
Most people that want to help out their communities don't really want to have to run a gauntlet of bored and angry old people to get there.
• • •
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In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
– Martin Luther King Jr.
Wildomar Rap reminds those of you without any friends, you don't need to worry about the above quote.
– Martin Luther King Jr.
Wildomar Rap reminds those of you without any friends, you don't need to worry about the above quote.
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