Monday, September 19, 2022

• Illegal Dumping On Camera

What started out as a depository of bags from Wildomar Beautification Volunteers turned into an illegal dump that included 29 big rig tires and part of a cement mixer. In the early evening hours of September 17th, a black pick-up truck was seen backing into the area and dumping off tires.

My guess is that this person lives within half a mile of the illegal dumpsite. They saw an opportunity and came on Saturday evening as the sun was going down, and a lot of the community was at Mariachi Night at Marna O'Brien Park. 

If your neighbor's yard had nearly 30 large tires that are suddenly gone, you know it's he that just cost the Wildomar taxpayers money. 

Each of those tires costs about $30 to recycle, and that's not counting the labor.

Though I don't expect our police to put much time into this, this was reported and now the black truck is on their radar. Remember the FLOCK cameras in town... yeah I bet this guy might like a Mulligan right about now. 
Do you know this truck or driver? Looks like he's got a nice pair of black sweatpants with a wide white stripe down the sides. Pretty distinctive looking.

Thank you, neighbor, anything else you want us to pay for?
To be clear, the tree branches were from the Saturday clean-up.

I asked Wildomar Beautification Volunteers co-founder Councilwoman Bridgette Moore for her take.

The Wildomar Beautification Volunteers are out every day in Wildomar picking up litter, including 4 miles on the freeway, and we leave the filled orange bags for pickup on the next business day. Please do not drop off any items, trash or tires near the orange bags. 

The city provides two free dump days and residents can also call their waste haulers for special pickups. The next cleanup day is 11/5/22 please watch for notices from your local waste hauler.
The actual "Montague Brothers" hard at work to keep their community looking good.

Wildomar's future leaders chipping in making Wildomar a nicer place to live.

It may seem like a small problem, illegal dumping, but there are two options when one is found. 

Clean it up, or leave it there. 

I haven't met too many people that are good with couches, tires, old sinks from a remodel, yard waste, empty liquor bottles, and a myriad of other castoffs that regularly are dumped off by someone that couldn't-care-less-about-their-effects-on-the-other-99%-of-us storing garbage willy-nilly wherever they want. 

Call me Karen if you want to, I'm not phased if you're in the 1% that thinks this is no big deal. 

If this is you, or you know someone that uses this method to lighten their loads, please STOP IT! Seriously, shake yourself and show some civic pride or move out of town. 

There are many reputable junk haulers that service Wildomar, that don't dump their loads on the side of the road. I can think of four or more off the top of my head, so there's no excuse for dumping in the public right of way or on someone else's private property. I don't want to name them here, because I don't want to leave any out, but they regularly advertise in local Facebook groups on Mondays. Seek and ye shall find. 

Left to Right: Joseph Morabito, Public Works man Brad, Dan Gonse, Public Works man Steven and code name Johnny Grove... errr, Jerry Orchard. 😁

A big thank you to Montague Brothers Coffee for bringing over beverages and to Johnny of Pam's Donuts for showing up with a box of donuts. You just gotta love our town. ❤

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