The meeting started with a recognition of the Eagle Scouts we've been hearing about this Spring.
Council Member Bridgette Moore, Mike Ames, Riley Olson, Mayor Marsha Swanson. |
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There was a lot of talk about the trash pick up... rates that is and what happens if you go AWOL on your bill.
Here's what I got out of it. If you own a home, pay your bill. If you own a home and rent it out, play it smart and roll the cost of trash pick up into the rental fees and that way you won't be faced with having liens placed against your home because of a deadbeat tenant mixed with bad county record keeping.
It was nice to see that the CR&R rep was very understanding and willing to work with the landowners that have been stung with this odd loophole. One resident asked why the city was in the business of collections for a private company. He asked if they were going to start collecting for Stater Bros and the local restaurants too.
First, though I know he was trying to make a point, Stater's doesn't have a contract with the city... not that I know of anyway. So there is a bit more of an obligation with the trash guys. I think a better comparison would have been the cable company. Thing is, no one is required to have cable, or electricity or a phone, but you are required to have trash service.
Before you go off on a
"How dare they tell me I have to pay to get my garbage hauled away" rant, the rationale makes sense. If it wasn't mandated, so the story goes, many people would illegally dump their garbage or just stack it up in their back yards. It's a health issue and they are contracted to pick up your trash if you pay them or not.
In the end, if you are following the law, and are not an inattentive absentee landlord, the only thing you'll be facing when it comes to the trash guys is a rate hike of 27 cents a month if you are a residential customer of CR&R (21 cents if you are with WM) and $1.39 a month if you are a commercial customer. Yes, it would be great if prices never went up... but this is real life, and inflation is as American as apple pie and ObamaCare. Errr.... ummm....
Library Name Change?
Interesting that I just wrote about the library needing a name change and it was on the agenda. Truth be told, I'd already heard it on the future agenda items the month before, and as it happens, it was in my email box as I was publishing it... and it came with a copy of a letter that will be going to Supervisor Jeffries.
I was hearing a couple of arguments against the name change.
One was due to the cost of changing the Sign out front. Worst case scenario the sign doesn't have to be changed. When I went there last week I didn't even see the sign. The reason why the name change is important is so others know about it.
If you're saying, "What does that mean?" let me clue you in. If someone says, "Meet me at the Sun City Library, you have a good idea what city it's in, since it's named after the city and all. If someone says to you, "Meet me at the Paloma Valley Library," would you know where to go? It's in Menifee and I only know that because I'm holding a bookmark telling me that's where it is.
By changing the official name of our library, to the name of the city, it will make it easier for others to find it.
How's this for a compromise?
☼ Wildomar Library of Mission Trail ☼
☼ sort of like Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim ☼
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I wasn't sure if I heard this next part right or not. Gary Nordquist was talking about Public Works Director/City Engineer Dan York and blithely commented something about Dan York having many titles and then I heard the words Assistant City Manager. As soon as the meeting was over I made a beeline for Dan and asked if I heard it right. Yep, I did... he's the new Assistant City Manager. A post that had been vacant since Gary Nordquist moved into that chair in late 2012. Congrats Dan, may your hard work and long hours for Wildomar only become more so... or something like that. ☺
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Last on the list was in the Cemetery meeting.
Oh, if you didn't know it, there is a brief "Cemetery District" meeting after each City Council meeting.
The only topic had to do with whether or not to fly a POW-MIA flag, provided by the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) at the cemetery. There were veterans that got up and spoke. From what I got out of what they said, years ago a flag was provided but one of the previous cemetery trustees was a trouble maker and took some asinine stance against it.
Thankfully that guy is no longer in the picture and the Cemetery Board (another hat that each of the city council members wear) voted 4-0 in favor of having the flag fly at the cemetery.
[it was only 4-0 because Bob Cashman didn't make the meeting tonight. I didn't hear the reason for his absence. Let's hope it wasn't anything health related or family emergency.]
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